Hot Tub Costs

Buying a hot tub is a big decision—you have to decide if it fits in with your family and your lifestyle. Part of that consideration means assessing the cost and benefit of hot tub ownership. We know the benefits are many (health and wellness, mental acuity, etc.), but what kind of hot tub costs should you expect upon purchase?

These numbers are obviously going to fluctuate greatly from owner to owner and market to market. Variables like what your city charges for utilities such as power and water will not be the same for everyone, but this guide should give you an adequate idea of what to expect and how to save money during the course of ownership.



Obviously, the tub is the first think you will need to take into consideration when evaluating what your purchase will cost you. Hot tubs come in all sizes and price points and doing your due diligence as a shopper will help you determine what hot tub is right for you. Take note: buying used isn’t always the best way to save money. Used hot tubs often have mechanical and equipment issues that are expensive to resolve and aren’t always efficient. Newer models of hot tubs tend to be more energy efficient and cost effective, something that will save you month to month.



A lot of people worry about water loss when it comes to owning a hot tub. Since you should only be draining your hot tub every 4-6 months, in reality you’re saving more water than if you were using bath tubs to relax during that time. If you take good care of your hot tub and keep the water chemistry balanced, water won’t be high on the list of costs. Some people even collect water in rain barrels to use in the replenishment of their hot tub water that may be lost to evaporation. There are a lot of water-saving tips that will help you to be water conscious and not have to worry about filling and refilling your hot tub as a major expense.



The average hot tub runs two pumps and a 3kw heater, all of which can consume a significant amount of electricity—a major cost of running your spa day to day. Most hot tubs also have several filter cycles per day in addition to the cost of running the pump and heating. However, your main use of energy—the heater—doesn’t run all the time, particularly if your hot tub water temperature is maintained through smart heating practices and the use of a quality hot tub cover. The largest drain on your hot tub’s energy is when the hot tub is refilled and the temperature has to rise from fill-temp to approximately 104° (most factory presets). The less the heater has to kick on, the better you’ll fare when your bill arrives at the end of the month.



Keeping your water balanced is a key to having your hot tub’s longevity. Over the last 10-15 years, once extravagant prices have dipped and chemicals are more affordable than ever. Again, the cost of running your hot tub will vary from chemical to chemical, whether you use chlorine, bromine, or something like ozone to maintain water sanitation.

Alternative sanitizers tend to be more expensive initially, although ozonators help you to use less of other sanitizers and boosts their efficacy.

It’s also very important to store your hot tub chemicals properly to maintain their potency. Some sanitizers have more of a shelf life than others and need to be kept out of heat to help maintain their potency.

Owning a hot tub doesn’t have to leave you destitute. A series of smart purchases paired with attentive maintenance won’t leave your wallet bereft of cash, but it’s definitely smart to know what you’re getting into when you considering your hot tub purchase. But it’s a “buy” we’re confident you won’t regret.
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