Hot Tub Safety 101: Water Temperature, Drugs and Alcohol, Pregnancy, Children and Infants

Over the next few posts we will be running a blog mini-series, Hot Tub Safety 101. Each time we will be covering a different aspect of making sure you are not only enjoying your spa to its fullest potential but being as safe as possible while doing it.

Soaking in hot water elevates body temperature and if not done properly can pose health risks. Today we will go over a few things like hot tub temperature, drug and alcohol use when hot tubing, hot tub use during pregnancy, and hot tub use by children and infants.

Hot Tub Water Temperature

According to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission water temperature in a hot tub should never exceed 104 degrees Fahrenheit, as high temperatures can lead to drowsiness and unconsciousness, which can lead to drowning.

There are also many other health risks that can be caused by elevated body temperature, for this reason, it is also recommended that adults keep soaking time to 15-20 minutes at such high temperatures.

Due to the health risks associated with hot water exposure and elevated body temperature, persons with heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, or any other serious illness should not enter a hot tub without first consulting with a physician.

Drugs and Alcohol While Hot Tubing

Exposure to hot water can amplify the effects of alcohol and certain drugs, which can be dangerous. If you take prescription drugs you should consult your physician before bathing in a hot tub while under the influence of them.  Rather than alcohol, it may be a good idea to opt for a cold soda, ice water, or glass of juice to allow for the safest and most relaxing environment.

Hot Tub Use During Pregnancy

Due to the increased health risks associated with entering water at such a high temperature pregnant women should never enter a hot tub without consulting their physician first.

Hot Tub Use for Children and Infants

If children are going to be allowed to enjoy your hot tub , it might be a good idea to lower the water temperature a bit for them. Also introducing them into the water gradually will help their bodies adapt to the temperature change.

Infants normally should not be in water over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, it would be wise to consult your pediatrician before allowing your infant in the hot tub.

When children/ infants are allowed to bathe in your spa it is extra important to maintain a safe environment. According to the US Product Safety Commission drowning is the second leading cause of unintentional injury death among children under age 5, second only to motor vehicle accidents. NEVER leave a child alone in your hot tub, or in or near any other body of water even if it is shallow! The risk is just not worth it.

While hot tubs are meant for relaxation and enjoyment if not used properly they can pose serious health risks, so please keep that in mind and if you have any questions about whether or not it is safe to use a hot tub consult your physician.
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February 20, 2013

Thank you for the questions, we recommend always consulting with your physician prior to any hot tub use to make sure it is safe in your current physical condition.

zspas arun
February 20, 2013

Is there any precautions required for improving the hot tub experience during serious injury?

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