Hot Tub Scale Build Up

What Causes Hot Tub Scale Build Up?

That is a great question, hot tub scale can be caused by a few different things, hard water, water that is highly alkaline, water with high iron or calcium, and body oils, lotions, and other contaminants introduced into the water by bathers.  No matter the cause of your spa scale build up, there are a few things you can to avoid it.


Steps to Avoid Hot Tub Scale Build Up

    1. Use a pre-filter when filling the hot tub. This will help in removing minerals from the water prior to it getting in the hot tub.
    2. Make sure you pH, alkalinity, calcium hardness and sanitizer levels are being properly maintained by frequent hot tub water analysis.
    3. Use SpaPure Stain and Scale Preventer regularly as it will help break down hard water and minerals, which will prevent build up.
    4. Use a Scumball, this little floating ball will absorb body oils and other contaminants brought into the spa by bathers, keeping them inside it instead of them building up on your spa.
    5. Make sure you clean your filter regularly; a dirty filter will not be able to pick up as much as a clean one which can allow things to build up causing scum. Cleaning your filter regularly includes rinsing it with your garden hose and then soaking it in a product like Spa Pure Filter Cleaner to get the best clean.

Following the above steps should help prevent hot tub scale build up. If you currently have scale build up that needs to be removed, use either ProTeam Surface Clean or Spa Pure Cleaner to help remove the build up, and get your spa sparkling clean. Once you have removed existing scale, start over with fresh water and follow the steps above to avoid hot tub scale in the future!
Relax to the Max with the Perfect Hot Tub Pillow


April 23, 2013

You can use a scrubber brush, like this Brush, without draining the water. Once you scrub off the scale buildup, it should filter out and then you can clean the filter. I would also recommend using a Stain and Scale Preventer, so you can reduce the likelihood of this happening in the future. Does that help answer your question? If not, shoot me a reply.

April 16, 2013

Hello, this may be a dumb question but here goes…Is there Any way to get rid of all the scales from the bottom of my hot tub,without having to empty the tub?

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